The course is intended to prepare for the exam of senior and middle managers of companies, managers and members of supervisory boards of joint-stock companies and organizations to obtain the "Qualification certificate of corporate manager".

The purpose of the course is to develop current knowledge in the field of corporate governance legislation, in particular, to highlight modern practices and principles of corporate governance, as well as to update and improve the knowledge of specialists, managers, members of Supervisory boards of joint-stock companies and companies.

The objective of the course is to study and understand the main trends in corporate governance, in-depth training in mechanisms for monitoring and controlling the activities of joint-stock companies, transferring knowledge about the basics of financial management and marketing planning, research, managing investment projects in the corporate governance system.

Programme of the course includes the following topics:

  • Modern corporate governance;
  • Corporate governance system and internal control;
  • Supervisory Board in the corporate governance system;
  • Corporate finance;
  • Investment project management;
  • Corporate strategy and quality management.

After completing the course, graduates will know:  essence and necessity of corporate governance; corporate governance trends and models; modern principles and mechanisms of corporate governance; quality management system; be able to distinguish between the advantages and disadvantages of corporate governance models; define responsibilities between members of the supervisory board; evaluate the effectiveness of the project and its risks; distinguish and determine the stages of development of a corporate strategy; have the skills to make the right choice of the applicable corporate governance law; methods of using financial management tools; ability to evaluate corporate governance performance; the technique of applying conflict resolution and personnel management methods.

Form of study: full-time, full-time with separation from work or using the capabilities of distance educational technologies.

Study load:

Training load - 40 classroom academic hours

Duration of study - 5 days (Distance learning - 10 days)

Intensity - daily from 9.00 to 16.00

Intermediate Control: Interview

Final control: testing

At the end of the course, a State-standard certificate is issued.

Learning conditions:

Language - Russian, Uzbek

Number of students: 25-30 people

Online submission of documents
