MBA - Global Management

Business Management (Master of Business Administration - MBA) - is one of the most well-known qualifications in business management, which will allow to occupy key positions of top and middle managers. The MBA program at the GSBE is an innovative practice-oriented program developed by leading experts in this field, taking into account internationally recognized standards and characteristics of the local business environment.

For whom?

The program is designed for specialists, entrepreneurs and top managers, economic management bodies interested in professional growth, development of leadership competencies, strategic thinking, as well as for university graduates who are looking for a qualitatively new level of further development.

The purpose of the program:

- study of modern business models;

- providing students with the necessary tools for the practical consolidation of the material in the learning process;

- preparing students for a successful career in business administration. 

Advantages of the program:

- modular training system with the possibility of combining study and work;

- careful selection of teaching staff from among the leading practitioners, professors and candidates of science of the region;

- participation of professors and teachers of leading educational institutions in Germany, Italy and other economically developed countries;

- problem-oriented discussions, “round tables”, conferences, symposia with the participation of scientists and specialists of the republic and foreign countries;

- the possibility of studying abroad on the basis of a partnership program.

A distinctive feature of the program is that, it is based on practical activities and helps students to develop innovative solutions and methods that open up new ways of developing business administration for them.

The program is delivered on a paid-contract basis.