English language and business communication

Mukhitdinova Nodira


Head of Department






The main goal of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Business Communication is to form the competences of intercultural business communication in a foreign language. Foreign languages ​​and business communication are for middle-aged and older students who have mastered a foreign language at an intermediate level and want to further develop their knowledge. It is designed to develop the Soft Skills required by an industry. This subject includes authentic materials, develops all types of speech activities (listening comprehension, writing, reading and speaking) and develops the skill of using the language in the specialty. Students not only develop communicative skills in Business English, but also develop the skills of equal participation in the life of society, team work, and especially the ability to freely talk with foreign experts, conduct negotiations, make presentations, and participate in conferences.

The curriculum of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Business Communication is aimed at training students to conduct foreign negotiations with partners on international business ethics and culture, adhere to the norms of business communication and strengthen business relations, to increase their creative and intellectual potential, to train high-level personnel with practical knowledge in the field of international entrepreneurship and practical business.

The Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Business Communication Curriculum is aimed at forming students’ knowledge and skills in international business ethics and culture, conducting foreign negotiations with partners, observing standards of business communication and strengthening business relations, increasing their creative and intellectual potential, training high-level personnel with practical knowledge in the field of international entrepreneurship and practical business.

The main tasks of the department include:

- implementation of educational and educational-methodical, spiritual-educational, scientific-methodological works;

- formation of students' reading, listening, writing and speaking skills;

- to improve the level of knowledge by being able to use the English language through new terms in general and business English;

- development of logical and critical thinking skills;

- introducing business communication processes in a foreign language and forming the ability to apply the learned knowledge in practice.

The science of foreign languages ​​and business communication, by its feature, covers different topics related to events in various spheres of society, directly and indirectly related to social life. An important task of the department is to develop communicative competence in the organization of practical training and to prepare students to use foreign languages ​​in professional activities, including international communications and business negotiations.

Depending on the level of students (Elementary level - Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate – Upper-Intermediate), the subjects include topics in the following areas:

- Global management (Master of Business Administration – MBA);

- Finance (Corporate Finance) (Master of Business Administration – MBA);

- Agrobusiness (Master of Business Administration – MBA);

- Small business and entrepreneurship (Master of Business Administration – MBA);

- Project management (Project Management - PM).

This subject aims to achieve all competencies at the master's level - to form international communication in business, as well as to speak fluently and clearly in the foreign language they are learning and to be able to express their attitudes to the political, economic and social reality happening in the world at the moment, and independently serves to strengthen skills and abilities.

Head of the Department, Associate professor, PhD, Mukhitdinova Nodira Abdullaevna


Associate professor of the Department, PhD, Ashurova Shakhnoza Almasovna



Associate professor of the Department, PhD, Farmonov Bekzod Begmatovich


Associate professor of the Department, Valiyeva Nasiba Khadiyatullaevna


Associate professor of the Department, Eshanova Mokhira Yuldashbaevna.

Tel.: + 998 71 239 03 05