The course is intended for senior and middle managers, entrepreneurs who plan to study in detail the methods of financial analysis in order to improve management efficiency.

The purpose of the course is to study the methodology for conducting comprehensive diagnostics of the enterprise, conducting financial analysis.

Course Objectives:

  • develop the ability of students to make a comprehensive analysis of the enterprise;
  • learn how to analyze financial performance indicators;
  • help to correctly navigate among the sources of funding and their cost;
  • impart skills in the use of Excel.

Programme of the course includes the following topics:

  • purpose and methods of financial analysis;
  • structure of financial statements;
  • main groups of financial ratios;
  • financial diagnostics of the state of bankruptcy of an existing enterprise.

After completing the course, graduates will know: concepts about basic methods and techniques of financial analysis, their practical application; basics of financial analysis; the financial reporting framework; the nature of the strategic audit of the enterprise; to know how to navigate among sources of financing and their costs; to calculate and understand the significance of key financial indicators; optimizing the project cost and future costs due to the choice of the sources and conditions of funding; a comprehensive approach to the analysis of the company; to own skills of analysis of the financial performance measure; freely use Excel to calculate financial indicators; create a hypothetical balance.

Form of study: full-time, full-time with separation from work or using the capabilities of distance educational technologies.

Study load:

Training load - 48 academic hours

Duration of study - 6 days

Intensity - daily from 9.30 to 16.00

Final control - testing

At the end of the course, a State-standard certificate is issued.

Learning conditions:

Language - Russian, Uzbek

Number of students: 20-25

Online submission of documents
