
Yamagata University's best practices to foster innovative entrepreneurship have been observed

The main activities of the center are focused on entrepreneurial education, supporting the growth of innovative entrepreneurship, and transforming startup ideas into businesses in Japan.

Additionally, the center fosters collaboration between science and business by providing consultations and practical assistance to current, budding, and prospective entrepreneurs.

During the visit, the delegation also explored the activities of the Innovation Center for Organic Electronics (INOEL), which is oriented towards research in the production of high-tech innovations and their integration into industries.

This Center conducts research in the field of organic electronics, and it has successfully implemented innovative developments, including high-value printed diodes, organic conductors (transistors), organic solar cells, films for human health analysis, and innovative energy batteries.

For reference: organic electronics employ organic materials in the production of circuits and other electronic devices, differing from inorganic materials in terms of their lightweight, efficiency, and convenience.

In the framework of visit the delegation get acquainted with activities of “Vegea” company, founded by professors at Yamagata University. This company specializes in processing agricultural products and manufacturing high-value food products, contributing to the reduction of agricultural resource wastage.