
Presentation of Fast Food Startup Projects by Students at the Graduate School of Business and Entrepreneurship

On December 15 of the current year, at the Graduate School of Business and Entrepreneurship, with the participation of students specializing in Project Management, a presentation of startup projects was conducted within the framework of the “Business English” discipline.

The projects, created by the students, were aimed at the development and establishment of new branches within the fast-food industry, aligning perfectly with the contemporary requirements and demands of the market.

During this presentation, the students not only showcased their knowledge and skills in the field of Project management but also demonstrated their ability to apply them in practice. Each project was meticulously designed, encompassing all aspects of business, ranging from strategic planning to comprehensive marketing research.

The anticipated outcomes from these startup projects encompass the effective utilization of the educational material acquired during the “Business English” course, all achieved within just one month of learning. This experience allowed the students to put their knowledge into practice, marking a significant milestone in their professional development and growth.