

The seminar on “Preparation and organization of population census in the Republic of Uzbekistan” was conducted in Republican graduate school of business and management on January 20th 2020, with the goal of ensuring the successful implementation of the Presidential decree № UP -5655 dated from February 5th, 2019 “On approval of the Concept of organizing populations census in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2022”.

The presentation was delivered by the representative of Statistics department of Tashkent city – Orifjon Abdurahmonov.

He spoke about the work being carried out to ensure the successful implementation of the Decree, the milestones to be achieved as well as the tasks to be completed in the future and the process of population census in 2022.

 “The last population census in our country was conducted in 1989” noted O.Abduarhmonov. The population census will secure to record correct information about population, demography, gender distribution, age distribution, family status, education level, employment, nationality, citizenship and other demographic and socio-economic characteristics.

At present, the opportunities of conducting population census are much wider thanks to effective use of information-communication technologies and digital methods of data collection, e-maps and e-forms, and the sources of administrative information.